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发布日期:2024-09-28 14:32    点击次数:133


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西安交通大学肯求指南twitter 自慰

XJTU Application Guide

1.肯求准备Getting Started

(1) 阅读招生简章Check Admission Program Information

2023本科生 2023 Bachelor 2023磋商生奖学金款式 2023 Postgraduate Scholarship—Type B 汉语纯属生 Chinese Language Program 专科纯属生 Visiting Scholar Program 校际调换生 Exchanging Students Program 2023预科生 2023 Foundation Program 中国政府奖学金商请款式 Chinese Government Scholarship—Type A


For applicants of Chinese Government Scholarship Type A program, please select“Chinese Government Scholarships-Bilateral/Great Wall/EU/AUN etc Programs-Type A”. We will evaluate application documents and issue pre-admission letter to qualified applicants. Applicants can use this pre-admission letter to submit their application to Chinese Government Scholarship agency in their country.


For applicants of Chinese Government Scholarship Type B program, please select“CSC-Type B/Siyuan University/City Govt. Scholarships”. We will evaluate application documents and further process your scholarship application.

(2) 按照招生简章中条目,准备明晰、灵验的肯求材料(护照、收货单、学位证等)原件及电子版



Prepare clear and valid application documents (passport,transcript and diploma, etc. Original and scanned copy) according to the requirements in the Admission Program Information.

Please use the valid ordinary passport. To avoid any problem for your visa application for coming to China, it is suggested to submit the application with the passport which is AT LEAST valid until March 1st, 2024.

Please use professional device to scan your documents. For documents contain several pages, please merge into one document before submission. Applicant shall be responsible for all the consequences caused by unclear or unidentifiable documents.


Explore your research interest and professors (PhD Only)

(1) 稽查西安交通大学博士磋商生招生目次

Check XJTU Admission Program List for PhD

Program List for PhD

(2) 查找我方但愿肯求的学院与专科

Search for the school and major you want to apply from the program list.

(3) 目次中已表明每个专科是否需要导师接收函,详情我方肯求的专科是否需要

Confirm if your major requires professor’s acceptance letter,requirements of each major are listed in the program list.


Click school name, professor’s name or “click here for professor information” and find out.




Click here to download the format of acceptance letter.



3.立肯求账户Create Application Account




Log in XJTU online application system, create application account. Take note of your application Email、account and password.

Online application system:

4.完成在线肯求Complete Online Application

(1) 请按照网申系统使用指南,填写肯求信息

Fill in application information according to the Application System Guide.

Application System Guide

(2) 按照肯求材料类别(护照、收货单、学位证等),上传至肯求系统相应栏目中

Upload application documents to the corresponding column in application system (passport, transcript, diploma, etc.)

(3) 在你收到的系统见知缴费放荡日历前,支付报名费

Pay application fee before the deadline sent by system notice

5.柔柔后续信息Check for Further Update


Your application account and email may receive notes including submitting new documents, passing 1stround of review, attending online interview, confirmation of pre-admission, paying tuition fee, etc. Please keep checking and replying notes. Applicant shall be responsible for all the consequences caused by late reply.


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